Monday, August 19, 2019

office apace Essay -- essays research papers

The Life of Peter: Idealism vs. Realism When asking a child what they want to be when the grow up, they will most likely tell you a doctor, teacher or some other public service occupation. They have the ideal that a career helping people is the best job a person could have. When those same kids get into high school their ideals become even greater (this really only applies to middle-upper class). They want to be artist, musicians, actors, or free lance writers who travel the world for the next big story. In college the ideals of the student are usually pushed to the back burner so that there is room for reality. Peter’s character in the movie Office Space is an example of the ultimate idealist. Throughout the movie we are shown his conflict between â€Å"good and evil† (otherwise known as idealism and realism). Peter’s character is placed in the toughest battle zone to live out his ideals: the corporate world of cubicles. Americans have the idea of an â€Å"American Dream† which in tales having a good job, family and happy home (for most people this is all that is needed to be content in life). Peter though can’t accept the idea of the â€Å"American Dream† and comes to make his own idealistic ideas a reality that most would laugh off as being a nothing but pipe dreams. It must be hard to spend 40-50 hours a week in a little box with no windows or connection to the outside world. Office workplaces tend to invent annoying saying like â€Å" Do you have a case of the Mondays?† that in itself ... office apace Essay -- essays research papers The Life of Peter: Idealism vs. Realism When asking a child what they want to be when the grow up, they will most likely tell you a doctor, teacher or some other public service occupation. They have the ideal that a career helping people is the best job a person could have. When those same kids get into high school their ideals become even greater (this really only applies to middle-upper class). They want to be artist, musicians, actors, or free lance writers who travel the world for the next big story. In college the ideals of the student are usually pushed to the back burner so that there is room for reality. Peter’s character in the movie Office Space is an example of the ultimate idealist. Throughout the movie we are shown his conflict between â€Å"good and evil† (otherwise known as idealism and realism). Peter’s character is placed in the toughest battle zone to live out his ideals: the corporate world of cubicles. Americans have the idea of an â€Å"American Dream† which in tales having a good job, family and happy home (for most people this is all that is needed to be content in life). Peter though can’t accept the idea of the â€Å"American Dream† and comes to make his own idealistic ideas a reality that most would laugh off as being a nothing but pipe dreams. It must be hard to spend 40-50 hours a week in a little box with no windows or connection to the outside world. Office workplaces tend to invent annoying saying like â€Å" Do you have a case of the Mondays?† that in itself ...

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